School Anxiety: What Teachers Can Look For

School Anxiety: What Teachers Can Look For

Do you suspect a child in your class has anxiety about coming to school? Going back to school after a long summer can be hard for any child.  It may be hard for them to adjust to a new schedule or a harder grade, but most kids are able to settle in...
How To Succeed on a Test with ADHD

How To Succeed on a Test with ADHD

Taking a test is a long, dreadful process for most students in high school.  Imagine having to take a test to pass you to the next grade level AND adding a hyperactivity disorder.  Students diagnosed with ADHD have a difficult time concentrating, staying still and...
Summer Camp Search: How to Find the Perfect Camp for Your Child

5 Ways To Manage Symptoms Of ADHD Without Medicine

Are you struggling with managing your child’s symptoms of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder?  Are you looking for an alternative to medicine? Making the decision to medicate your child for symptoms of ADHD can be a difficult one.  We have found...
Dogs & ADHD: Are They A Perfect Match?

Dogs & ADHD: Are They A Perfect Match?

Children and adults diagnosed with ADHD often have a different school experience than others.  Sometimes, they might feel left out, and picked on, have low self-esteem, and have anxiety issues.  How can a friendly fido help? 1.  Stress Stress can mount quickly on...