It’s a Monday morning, a school day, and you’ve repeated this routine a thousand times. 

But your blood pressure is up, and your voice is even higher: 

“Put on your shoes! Brush your teeth! Where is your backpack!?”

There is an average of 180 days in a school year, and this process should be flawless, yet you run in circles with your ADHD child 

Sound familiar?

Whether it’s the morning routine, the inappropriate behavior in restaurants and grocery stores, the barrage of teacher emails discussing lack of focus, blurting out, or inability to stay in a seat, it is EXHAUSTING.

But you’re not alone. 

In the United States, it is estimated that 6.1 million children have an ADHD diagnosis, approximating 9.4% of all children. 

That means there are at least 6 million parents in your same situation: parenting a child whose neurodiversity creates stress, disruption, and disharmony. 

What impact can ADHD have on the family?

Children with ADHD may struggle with behavior control, attention span, and impulsivity, which can create challenges in daily family life. The impact on the family can include:

Disrupted routines: Children with ADHD may have difficulty sticking to routines, such as bedtimes or mealtimes, which can disrupt family life and cause stress for parents and siblings.

Strained relationships: The challenging behavior of children with ADHD can create tension and stress within the family, leading to arguments, frustration, and strained relationships.

Financial burden: Treatment for ADHD, such as therapy or medication, can be costly and put a strain on the family’s finances.

Increased responsibilities: Parents of children with ADHD may have to take on additional responsibilities, such as closer monitoring of their child’s behavior, managing medication, and attending therapy appointments. This can be exhausting and affect the parent’s own well-being.

Social isolation: Families may feel isolated or misunderstood by others who do not understand the challenges of ADHD, which can lead to feelings of social isolation. In some cases, families may avoid social interactions altogether. 

What are the struggles of parents with children with ADHD?

For parents and caregivers, the struggle is prolific. The responsibilities include managing challenging behaviors, finding appropriate treatment, and advocating for their child. 

It feels like there is little time to cope when their little one requires all their attention. 

There are ways to make it better. 

What is the best parenting style for kids with ADHD?

This is a tough question because there is no one-size-fits-all answer. Each child is different. However, there are things you can actively do to create harmony within your home. Or, at least, within yourself.

First and foremost, control yourself. 

Your child cannot control himself. It’s just a side effect of his condition and age. You are the adult, and you are the primary role model. How you respond during meltdowns, defiance, and the after-school zoomies, is all under your control. 

It is all a reflection of the expectations you have for your child. 

Create a routine. 

You know your family situation better than anyone. Use that to your advantage and build out a daily routine to streamline best practices as tightly as you possibly can. Detailed instructions for creating a routine that works for your ADHD child can be found here

Help yourself.

Don’t go it alone. Find your community. A Facebook private group for parents with ADHD children may be an excellent outlet. Sometimes operating as a viewer, instead of a contributor, can be helpful, too. You’ll recognize quickly that you are not on an emotional island. There are millions of families in the same shoes. You may also pick up effective tips and tricks from parents who have also been there. 

Professional organizations help, too. CHADD, or Children and Adults with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, is a national organization dedicated to improving the lives of people affected by ADHD. They provide free education and local support groups for parents and caregivers of children with ADHD. 

The American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry provides a comprehensive list of clinical and treatment resources for the ADHD parent, including a “Facts for Families” page full of useful information. 

A therapist can be an excellent sounding board for a parent at her wit’s end. We prioritize the emotional and mental health of our children, but the foundation we provide for them must be solid, too. 

Parenting or caring for a child with ADHD can be an emotional and physical rollercoaster ride. The daily struggles of disrupted routines, strained relationships, and increased responsibilities can take a toll on their well-being. However, there are ways to alleviate the burden, such as finding a supportive community, building routines, and seeking professional help. 

It is essential to take care of yourself and know you are not alone. With the right support and resources, your family can navigate the challenges of ADHD and create a harmonious and loving home environment.

Remember, you are not alone in this journey of ADHD parenting. The Broach School is here to help, providing your family with the right support and resources. Together, we can create a harmonious learning environment for your child. Click here to start your journey with The Broach School.